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What your 🧠 Brain Craves in Uncertain Times

Jun 15, 2020
What your 🧠 Brain Craves in Uncertain Times

It is undoubtedly a strange time in the world right now. There is so much uncertainty and unpredictability about what the future holds, which inevitably affects how we feel and react. We are in uncharted territory on numerous fronts and this can feel overwhelming for our poor brains.

Why does uncertainty feel so overwhelming? Because the brain loves certainty – in fact, it craves it. 

The brain is what neuroscientists call a prediction machine. It is constantly scanning the environment through our senses and, a bit like texting, it tries to auto-predict what will happen next.

A 2005 study showed that when the brain experiences uncertainty or there is ambiguity, the amygdala (an area in the brain responsible for emotional regulation) becomes activated, creating feelings of anxiety and stress. This is known as the threat response. Research has shown that there is a direct correlation between uncertainty and stress levels.

You may think that the recent uncertainty in the world hasn’t impacted you but check if any of these feelings resonate with you.

  • You feel more tired than you usually do
  • You feel greater sadness and empathy of others
  • You feel fear and anxiety about your future
  • You feel less clarity about your future and what you want to do in life

So how do we manage uncertainty and help the brain to move out of the fear state into a place of calm?

One way is to find areas of our lives that we can control and try to make things as predictable as possible for the brain. 

An excellent way to do this is to create daily rituals and routines that you practice at the same time each day. Even better, practice rituals that are scientifically designed to reduce stress and anxiety. Over lockdown, I designed a mini-course to help people learn about this exact thing. Keep reading and I will explain more.

Creating a Daily Ritual

Three things that I regularly hear my clients say they want in their lives are: to feel calm, to have greater clarity and direction and to experience more joy and positivity.

None of these things just appear overnight – they are the result of small, consistent, daily practices (which the brain loves). It is for this reason that I have designed a short course specifically to show you how to create a daily ritual proven to rewire your mind for calm, clarity, and joy. I will also teach you to set an effective habit practice – one that lasts.

In this online course, I will personally teach you about 7 daily rituals that I have used in my own life and that I teach hundreds of people in my coaching practice and in the corporate world. These rituals work (if you do), they are backed by science and they are beautifully nourishing for those wanting to carve out time to reconnect with yourself.





Your opportunity to build a daily practice scientifically proven to positively change the way you think and feel.


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