
How to Work With The Intelligent Field with Louise Laffey

Sep 17, 2018
How to Work With The Intelligent Field with Louise Laffey

Are you are curious about experiencing the world in a different way? Are you interested in connecting to something higher than yourself? Would you like to understand how to move from surviving to thriving and how to live with effortless flow? If the answer is yes to any of these please give yourself the gift of listening to this insightful podcast. 

Today, I’m delighted to welcome Louise Laffey to the show. Louise is Intuitive Entrepreneur and a Spiritual Teacher and is someone who has had a profound impact on how I live and how I teach. She has been my personal mentor and teacher for a number of years and it is such an honour to share her thought-provoking conversation with you today.

Louise has shared the stage with world leaders in metaphysics such a Deepak Chopra, Martha Beck and many others. Louise is the creator of the game ‘The Wish’, which she will share about in today’s podcast.

Through the Wish game, Louise estimates she has shared over 100,000 wishes with fans from over the world helping to manifest wishes for true love, financial freedom, clarity of life purpose, well being & happiness!

Louise is someone who embodies energy work. She is deeply connected to what she calls the intelligent field. Louise is incredibly generous in what she shares today, this is like a mini-workshop, there are so many wonderful nuggets of wisdom and inspiration here.

In our conversation today, Louise shares:

  • How to work with the intelligent field
  • How the Wish game was given to her
  • What is thriving and what is surviving
  • How to let go of old energetic patterns 
  • How to create financial freedom
  • If it’s given it’s required
  • Why we need to feel our feelings
  • How to live in the effortless flow
  • Why you need to change your idea of mistakes to choices
  • The importance of trusting your heart

If today’s podcast resonates with you I highly recommend checking out Louise’s work.

Louise Laffey Homepage

The Wish Website

The Wish Facebook Page

The Wish Club Facebook Group

Wish Store for The Wish Game

The Wish Game App

Louise has generously offered $40 USD off her next Financial Freedom course, which starts in October. Simply enter the code Thrive18 which takes and extra $40 off the Super Save Rate of USD$198 (Standard Price USDE $358)

Creating Financial Freedom Course

Please note that the discount Super Saver Rate pricing expires Sat 29 Sept US = Sun 30th of Sept for all the Aussies & Kiwis!

Connect with Louise:





About Louise Laffey:

Louise has been practising energy and metaphysical work for over 25 years. In 2007 she was awoken in the middle of the night with what she instinctively knew was a big idea! For the next 24 hours, she channelled pieces of a puzzle that would soon become her life’s work: The Wish® Since 2008, Louise has travelled the world teaching people how to play the game of their life.

During that time she estimates she has shared over 100,000 wishes with fans from over 20 countries helping to manifest wishes for true love, financial freedom, clarity of life purpose, well being & happiness!

Louise has shared the stage with some of the world’s leading thought leaders in metaphysics like Deepak Chopra, Martha Beck, Jeanne Houston and Mike Dooley. She is a regular guest keynote speaker with The Wish at the renowned Chopra Center in California.

In the past, Louise practised as a lawyer and commercial director specialising in multi-million dollar infrastructure and communication projects. She has held a number of senior management positions within both corporate and government and holds University degrees in Law & Commerce (Finance) and an MBA.

Louise also owns and manages a private consulting firm, focused on raising conscious awareness within business. She regularly consults to leading Australian and international companies, teaching executive teams how to work with ‘energy’ to create cultural change and improvements to their companies’ bottom lines. Louise shares her time between Sydney, Australia and California, USA.

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