
How To Be Your Own Best Friend

Jun 07, 2021
How To Be Your Own Best Friend

I’ve been chatting a lot lately about self-compassion and how to shift your default from being the inner critic to being the inner coach.

It can become habitual to criticise ourselves (be it our bodies or our abilities) and it takes a conscious effort to upgrade our inner dialogue.

Do you believe if you aren’t hard on yourself that you won’t be motivated, or you won’t achieve enough, or you will become lazy? These are common beliefs that perpetuate and often cause us to “unfriend” ourselves.

What is interesting is that the contrary is actually true. There is a growing body of scientific evidence showing that being your own friend or inner coach and showing self-compassion has a myriad of benefits associated with it.

If you are interested in:

  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Procrastinating less
  • Achieving goals faster
  • Reducing depression
  • Increasing your self worth
    + much more

….. have a listen to my latest podcast. I talk about the importance of self-compassion but also simple ways you can show up for yourself more, just like you would for a good friend.

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