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Have a Spring Clean – Detox From the Inside Out

Mar 10, 2020

The term ‘Spring Clean’ is believed to originate from the Persian New Year (Iranian Norouz) – which falls on the first day of spring. It is at this time of year that Iranians practice ‘Khooneh Tekouni’, which translates to ‘shaking the house’ just prior to the first day of spring. Similar practices are followed around the world whereby people have renewed energy in the spring and feel inspired to clear out the old, clean up their space or start a new project.

One book I love, related to clearing out the old, is a book by Karen Kingston called Clear the Clutter. According to Karen, clutter is the embodiment of trapped energy that has far-reaching effects physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The simple act of clearing clutter can transform your life by releasing negative emotions, generating energy. A great read.

In Chinese medicine, spring is a time of cleansing and rejuvenation. The organs of focus during this season are the liver and gallbladder, which explains why spring is a great time to cleanse and detox the body and give the liver a well-deserved break.

Here are 5 Simple Ways to give your Liver a Spring Cleanse

1. Start your Day with Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is a wonderful detoxifier; it is full of vitamins, minerals and enzymes that the body needs. Foods and drinks with sour tastes are thought to stimulate the liver’s Qi and aid in the detoxification process (lemon is another good detoxifier). Add 1 – 3 teaspoons to warm water and drink before meals (add honey if desired). We love Dr. Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar, which is organic and unfiltered and contains the ‘mother’ bug.

2. Juice to Detox the Liver

Freshly made raw juices are vital for repairing liver degeneration, imbalance or disease. Follow the 80/20 rule whereby 80% of the juice is made from vegetables and 20% from fruit. This will ensure the juices are not too high in sugar and contain more chlorophyll (which tends to be more prevalent in vegetables rather than fruits). Here are some key fruits and vegetables to juice for a liver detox: beetroot, carrots red cabbage, dandelion, apple citrus fruits, turmeric, dark green leafy vegetables.

Tumeric is a wonderful food for the liver (read below) and the colour is amazing!

3. Build the Liver with Chlorophyll Rich Foods

Chlorophyll is an excellent liver detoxifier. Chlorophyll adds oxygen to the blood, which is essential for optimal liver function and rejuvenation. As a general rule green foods tend to be high in chlorophyll, so increase your intake of green vegetables, sprouts, and grasses. Chlorophyll can help the livers overall function and can aid in the movement of Qi. Recommended supplements high in chlorophyll include Broccoli Sprout Powder, Barley Grass Powder, Synergy Supergreens.

4. Minimize Alcohol, Caffeine Processed Foods

These types of food and drinks put huge pressure on the liver. The liver must filter the impurities and toxins we eat and drink, which can begin to tax the liver over time. It is said it takes the liver one hour to process one standard alcoholic drink, an interesting thought.

5. Introduce Turmeric and Dandelion Root to your diet

Turmeric is an excellent anti-inflammatory food and is very good for fighting liver infection or liver dysfunctions. Turmeric shares similar liver protection properties as that of milk thistle and artichoke leaves. You can find turmeric root at your local farmers market.

Dandelion Root is a well-known detoxifier. It contains a bitter substance called taraxacin that helps to stimulate digestion. This bitter taste stimulates the flow of bile from the gallbladder to the liver. The increased bile production can help clean the liver and aids in flushing out the toxins. A great way to include dandelion root into your diet is through dandelion tea.

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