
Beyond Green with Envy: Turning Comparison into Inspiration

Sep 14, 2023
Beyond Green with Envy: Turning Comparison into Inspiration


Do you ever feel envy?


Recently, while I was mindlessly scrolling through social media, fully aware of the pitfalls but allowing my dopamine cravings to take control, I couldn't help but notice a twinge of envy creeping in. I was witnessing someone hosting a lux overseas event and I was reminded how much I wanted to be doing that right now.


Social media is a breeding ground for the idealized and curated versions of people's lives, showcasing their achievements and fabulous vacations (or events). I must admit that I'm guilty of this too if the opportunity arises. 


Research has consistently shown that frequent use of social media is closely associated with heightened social comparison and, consequently, envy.


But what exactly is envy?

Envy is that feeling that washes over us when we desire something that someone else possesses. It's different from jealousy, a more complex emotion rooted in the fear of losing something we already have.


However, unlike jealousy, envy isn't all negative. It can be a source of inspiration, a motivator that propels us to put in more effort and strive for similar achievements.


Yet, if left unchecked, envy can lead to negative emotions and behaviours, such as bitterness or hostility toward the person who possesses the coveted attribute. In some cases, this feeling can even get misdirected toward someone else in our lives.


So, how can we harness the positive aspect of envy?

Firstly, you need to cultivate awareness of when you're experiencing envy (mindful practices can be helpful for this).

Once you're aware of the emotion, you have the power to choose how to respond.

Remember, you don't have to be a captive of your emotions; you can choose your response - you just need to feel and acknowledge it first. 


I wrote this for you...

When you are not in your essential energy or vibration of service and purpose you will become innately aware of everyone else who is. 

They will appear to be everywhere doing everything and deep inside you may feel a gap.

And in the gap, if you give it space to be felt, you may feel envy. Envy for what someone else is expressing that you secretly wish to express in yourself or your life but are not right now.

Let that energy of envy be your invitation to be inspired by the abundance of possibility. Choose to take action over the stuckness of lack or scarcity. There is enough for all. 

There will come a time (maybe right now) when you ARE in the flow of your essential energy when you are creating, flourishing, and being seen by others and you won’t notice anyone else except the people you are here to serve. 

This is when you are aligning with your purpose.

I would love to know what triggers envy in you or what is not being expressed in your life right now. Message me and let me know. 

Can you look at envy differently after reading this?

Your biggest cheerleader, 

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