Live a life with more meaning, direction, and purpose

so you can have more impact, income and inspiration

Join Me In Living With Purpose

Can’t shake the feeling that you are made for more?

It’s not that life isn’t good, but there’s something deep inside you feeling unfulfilled - a lingering sense that something’s missing.

You’re sitting there over a cup of coffee (cacao, herbal tea, wine?!) with all the repeating thoughts running through your head…


“ I’m flatlining and want clarity and direction on my next step


“ I’ve forgotten who I am after being everything to everyone else ”


“ I’m feeling left behind and questioning if there’s time to find my purpose ”


“ I’ve lost my passion and mojo in the routine and busyness of everyday life ”


You've tried all the things...

  • Binged the podcasts and self-help books, but you’re no closer to finding a path in life that truly lights you up.
  • Constantly scrolling your socials to get inspiration - but they’re not you!
  • Researched potential jobs, got a haircut and did more training. And still, you’re not feeling like you're claiming your full expression or potential. 

You’re not alone! It’s time to find your purpose

And that's where I can help…

I'm Simone Denny, 

I help empower open-minded, passionate women to find and live their purpose so they can confidently step into their full potential. 

Because here’s the thing – I know what it is to feel stuck, stagnant or like you have lost your spark. I spent 15 years climbing someone else’s corporate ladder, but it never felt like me.


Finally, I took action. I left the comfortable job in the investment banking world and gave myself permission to embark on a journey to find my true purpose in life. 

I started to uncover the layers of my own life story, I got clear on my strengths (and weakness) and I came to the incredible realisation that it is possible to do what you love, whilst being of service to others.

I have created a proven framework to help you live your purpose

Using my training as a qualified IFS practitioner, life coach, mindfulness facilitator, mind detox therapist, and trauma-informed facilitator, I have guided hundreds of women, just like you, through this process.

And now, I want to help you step into the life you know is possible—filled with meaning, potential, and purpose.

Do you remember that person who had big dreams, who felt deep passion and excitement, and who had a spark for life?

As you get older (and wiser), it’s easy to lose that vision, those dreams and that spark.

Well, let’s turn that around so you can…

Find your purpose and direction

Rediscover who you are and have always been

 Pursue your dreams and visions with ease, flow and fun!

Heal parts of yourself that have been holding you back

Create lasting positive changes that ripple throughout your life

How do you know if you’re ready for this?

You’ve probably started to feel dissatisfied with certain areas of your life, and you're starting to notice…


  • There are certain areas in your life where you feel stuck, deflated or a little unsure about how to take the  next step
  • There are some subconscious beliefs, patterns and behaviours that are keeping you trapped or feeling stuck
  • You are questioning your own confidence, know-how and ability to pivot into something new
  • You have a deep desire to find the real you – you want to know what makes your heart tick, how you are divinely wired and even how your personal story can shape your truly unique purpose on earth
  • You’re starting to question if there is still time to really do what you love in the world

The truth is: stepping into your purpose can actually be an incredibly beautiful unfolding.


It just requires knowing what things to let go, and what things to embrace.


That’s why I’d love you to come join me in my Living with Purpose Group Coaching Program.



The 12-week online coaching course, empowering women who feel stuck or ready to uplevel, to uncover their divine uniqueness and step into who they were always meant to be.

  • A 12-week online coaching course with weekly live group mentoring sessions to help you see that life-long transformation is both possible and sustainable.
  • An invitation for you to challenge old patterns, behaviours and mindsets so you can transform into the most empowered version of yourself.
  • An opportunity to discover your most authentic self and craft your ‘purpose manifesto’ – a guiding statement that helps you navigate your present and your future.
  • A safe and supported space for those willing to go deep into the psychology of who you are and discover what might be holding you back.
  • An opportunity for those wanting to be part of an incredible community of people to keep you feeling held, supported, and accountable.
  • A foundational course to create your ideal future vision and to pursue it with purpose and alignment.
  • A combination of deep inner work and practical actionable steps that will create the results and change you’re so deeply seeking.

Life Changing

The Living With Purpose course with Simone has been life-changing.  The way that the course has been curated enables you to move from one module to the next like a treasure map, collecting all these gems about who you are, how you want to be, and what you value and then sets you on a direct path to the treasure chest.  I am more excited about who I am as an individual right now and also about the future I'm co-creating. 

Heidi Anna Gordon

I cannot recommend this course more.

Simone has a gift for holding space for women to let down their guards and get to the root of what is going on. The exercises are a unique balance of practicality and mindfulness which over 10 weeks allows you to really make changes in your life. This was the best gift I could have given to myself.

Amelia Reid-Meredith

Best thing I have done for myself in years.

I have been looking for Simone for a while. I can truly say that this has been the best thing I have done for myself for years. I would highly recommend it to the people who are ready. Lean into all of it, dive into the content and really put yourself out there in the group. This is how you get the best bang for your buck. Simone is brilliant at guiding us through the process of self-discovery through but it's your journey to do your Mahi.

Kate Hilton

Many magical, challenging and inspiring things have happened since starting the LWP course.

Simone encouraged me to plant the seeds, stand up to possibility, and to really look at the negative thought patterns and beliefs that don't serve me anymore. So grateful our paths ever crossed and I will hold close all the learnings, connections and awakenings as I continue to grow and trust, in order to be the best version of myself. A heartfelt thank-you Simone.

Clare Miles

Life Long Lessons

I highly recommend Simone’s Living with Purpose Course! It’s done wonders for my confidence and given me an optimism for the future that I haven’t had in years. Connecting and growing with a group of other like-minded people who often share all of the same fears and struggles is invaluable. Simone creates a nurturing space and her genuine desire to support others and facilitate their growth is what makes this course unique. The lessons I have learned in this course along with the relationships I’ve formed with others are lifelong.  

Jo Ewer

I can't recommend this course enough - life-changing.

Probably one of my biggest challenges in life has been lacking a sense of direction or any momentum. I often used to feel like I was somewhat left behind, but that I deserved to be there. I knew I had lofty dreams but I didn't realise until I started this course that I also had very small thoughts about myself. I now understand that the power is within ourselves to change our destinies.

Kimberly Hinds

Realise Your Potential.

The time spent with Simone on the living with purpose course has been magic. Simone is a wonderful mentor and coach who is there to help you realise your potential and live a life that brings you joy. 

Donna Kent

Don’t wait, do this course now. It is life-changing.

Simone is really in tune and able to hold space for each and every woman in the course. She is clearly passionate about the content and helping others to find their purpose. Being accountable and working through this with a group makes the experience all the richer.

Jackie Nissen


You're going to



12 weeks of content to move the dial on your life!

10 Weekly Group Zoom Coaching Calls

Learn, grow and connect on our weekly Zoom calls with professional coaching and a safe community. (With two rest weeks to embed the learning!). Sessions will be run by Simone and 1 session by a guest coach.

6 Modules of Juicy Content

Designed to help you experience a deep transformation in the way you understand yourself and your role in the world. Be immersed in my unique video trainings and worksheets that support you to live your purpose in all areas of your life.

2 Private 1:1 Coaching Sessions

You will receive 2 deep dive coaching sessions with Simone. This allows us to uncover any blind spots and support you to get to the root cause of what might be holding you back.

Weekly Facebook Live Sessions

Meet with me weekly as I address all your questions that tend to pop up in this live session, watch it live or recorded – there are always some gems shared in this space.

Accountability & Feedback

Through group coaching sessions, one one one sessions and accountability partners, you will be guided through your journey of self-discovery so you can see lasting results


Understand how your deeply-rooted beliefs around money impact your ability to build your abundance through these powerful money story exercises that will help you break out of your limits.

Worksheets, PDFs & Meditations

Dive deeply into self-inquiry work by using more than 20 worksheets and PDFs specifically designed to help unlock your path to purpose. Access guided meditations and visualisations to support you through each module


Hear from a range of top industry experts as they share their insider tips to help you on your path to discovering your purpose.

Why this course is different…

After signing up for this course, you’re not just left to work things out by yourself!

You will be part of a small inner circle community where learn, grow, connect, and feel supported and accountable throughout. 

I am fully committed to your success (and you will need to be too). I am with you all the way, showing up for you, holding your hand when you need it and encouraging you to do both the hard stuff (and the fun stuff!) 

Think of it as a container where you are held energetically for 12 weeks to create meaning and realise your potential. I know what it is like to try to do this on your own.

Designed with your future in mind, we work together to co-create a holistic transformation and inspire personal freedom. You will connect to a deeper sense of self, which will allow you to feel empowered, gain clarity and realise your true direction.

This experience is for those who are willing to do the deep work and willing to explore the past, present and future in a safe and proven way. 


Let's Talk Modules



I'm ready to join

Get access to these

incredible guest speakers

Louise Laffey


Internationally recognised Intuitive Entrepreneur and Spiritual Teacher Louise Laffey will be teaching you how to work with flow energy and how to harness this to help you align with your higher purpose.

Melissa Browne


Melissa Brown is an author (of four books), speaker and award-winning entrepreneur. She is the owner of multi-million dollar businesses and runs a financial adulting course. In the course, she shares her top tips on Financial wellbeing so you can break out of a poverty mindset that keeps you living in lack and start experiencing true financial freedom and growth.

Kirsten Leng


Kirsten empower leaders like you to realise their potential. With over 20 years as a Speaker, Facilitator, Performance Coach, and Behaviour Change expert, Kirsten is dedicated to transforming behaviour, fuelling resilience, and accelerating performance.

Sign up for Living With Purpose today and get these incredible bonuses! 

As an exclusive bonus for those who choose to invest in their life transformation today, I’m offering VIP access to:

  • BONUS 1: 4-Part Productivity Masterclass
  • BONUS 2: Your Money Story Workshop
  • BONUS 3: Vision Board Workshop
  • BONUS 4: Rituals to Rewire for Calm, Clarity & Joy Course

Here, you’ll get targeted and practical support in areas of daily rituals, next level goal setting and creating your most powerful vision board. PLUS, you’ll also get more time with me so I can answer any pressing questions related to these areas.

Next Course Commences

5th of August 2024

(Doors Close Saturday August 4th)


Together we will uncover what’s holding you back. We move through healing your past, embodying the present and creating a future where you release your own power and potential. The course is designed to give you more than just knowledge. We develop a personal connection through live calls, interaction, and deep coaching to allow you to create a future with purpose, clarity and fulfilment.

Come and join a small group of like-minded women, ready to remove what is holding them back and step into momentum, transformation, and results.


The course is such a fantastic investment in yourself...highly recommend!!

The course has helped me to think deeply about all of the components needed to develop a sense of purpose. I have become more curious, less unsettled and have a renewed lens on the way I view my all aspects of my life. I've also developed clarity in terms of my values and set goals and can't wait to see what the future will hold. The content is first-class!

Laura Jenkins

I now feel
I have a better control over my state of mind.

After completing the course, I now feel
I have a better control over my state of mind and how I can change the way I react to the situation I am in and also feel empowered and have the belief that I can control what happens next in my life instead of rolling over and letting life happen to me.

Bridget Haagh

Simone quietly creates magic.

Gently supporting you in clarifying your purpose, challenging old beliefs and arming you with tools and techniques to live your best life. All achieved through practical exercises, the sharing of experiences, learnings and accountability. I would absolutely recommend Simone and loved every minute of the ‘Living With Purpose’ course. I look forward to a long association Simone, you are truly an inspiration!

Tracey Cross

This course has been a life-changing experience.

After finding myself floundering in my life, the grounding work and tools that were provided during the course have allowed me to peel away all of the layers of lifelong conditioning and bring my authentic self into fruition. I feel lighter, at ease and with vitality as I pave my way forward with a new purpose in my life. I am extremely excited about what my life journey will bring. Thank you Simone for being such a wonderful coach, your gentle encouragement, guidance, the ‘aha’ moments during the zoom calls and your true compassion will be forever with me.

Shirley Mosca

I wholeheartedly recommend Simone's Living with Purpose Course

Since having my 3 children and being everything to them, all the time, I had felt a sense of loss or lack of belonging in who I was/am. I always felt there was something else out there for me. During the course, I had space to realise the time was now to make those changes for life.
Simone's passion for this work is evidently vibrant throughout the entire course. Her skills and knowledge were deeply entrenched into what her clients experienced and this made the coursework well supported by Simone and deeply meaningful to each person and their life stories.

Marlena Howes

This course has been life-changing.

And I will carry the learnings and tools from it with me forever. It has given me clarity, a strong sense of purpose in all aspects of my life and an inspiring direction forward. Simone's support, encouragement, guidance and wisdom, coupled with the course content and the way the course unfolds, has been invaluable.

Sara King

Truly an eye-opener for me.

I learned so much about myself, my abilities and my own uniqueness. This course has given me the boost that I needed to stop making excuses and stop hiding under my everyday busyness. I feel that I have the right tools and mindset to live my purpose every day. Thank you, Simone.

Anu Weir

The results have been life-changing

I haven’t done anything in the past for myself that was as incredible as Living with Purpose. I learned so much about myself and how to use that to live life in a meaningful way that aligns with who I really am!. It was so great to be part of a bunch of fabulous women wanting to grow and live their best lives, led by the beautiful & amazing Simone!


What You Will Receive In 12 Weeks

You're going to



living with purpose program inclusion: 
  • 10 Live zoom group coaching calls (value $1600)
  • 6 Modules of personal development content ($1200)
  • Guest Speaker Teachings ($200)
  • 20 Interactive worksheets (value $299)
  • 10 Facebook live Q&A sessions (value $149)
  • Guided meditations & visualisations (value $49)

Valued at $6,443 NZD

(Save Over $4,218 NZD)
living with purpose program Bonuses:
  • 4-Part Productivity Masterclass
  • Your Money Story Workshop
  • Vision Board Workshop
  • Rituals to Rewire for Calm, Clarity & Joy Course

*Private Mentoring option available at checkout


$585 NZD

3 monthly payments

or Pay in Full (Best Price) $1695


 Is the course a fit for you?

I would love you to join me on a mini-coaching call to work out the best next steps for you.

Feel free to find a time in my calendar and we can jump on a call.



It's an interior tune-up that's well worth it.

What a valuable thing it is to take time to rediscover yourself. This course provides a framework for step by step taking stock of who you are, where you are at and where you may want to go. All delivered and worked through with kind curiosity and empowering support both from the group and Simone, who guides with patience and wisdom.

Catherine Morris

I highly recommend diving into this work.

I have come through the 2 months with a very clear path forward, feel supported and have made great strides in clarifying my purpose, goals, manifesting the visions I have and am now in the process of setting up my business, website and workshops, am running women's circles and being kept accountable by my coach. Simone's course and coaching brings in the deep dives, activity, values work and clarity that many of us seek.

Alita Blanchard

The investment I made in myself.

I've figured out my values, my strengths.. worked on blind spots, drafted my purpose, decided to try coaching, signed up to a course and got myself a great job. Would I have figured out all this out on my own? No way.. Plus its been SO much more fun to go through this time of my life with Simone as my/our coach and the women on the course.

Danielle Ridgway

So much to love about this course and the positive impact it has had on how I now live my life purposefully.

The incredibly supportive, inspiring and motivational approach Simone has developed and provides with this course, means you are not alone as you work through your personal journey with it. A structured set of modules packed full of content, tools & positive actions, Simone’s gentle wisdom & guidance, layered together with group coaching to provide a connection of collaborative support, inspiration, motivation and accountability.

Catherine Allan

If I could describe the course in two words I'd say "Magnificently Empowering''.

I have recently done Simone’s Living With Purpose' course and it's made a huge contribution to the quality of my life. It reaffirmed and deepened my belief in myself, helped me to look at my life holistically, take stock and take charge. This course has given me practical tools to add depth and intention and quality to each day and to create the future. The course gave me an opportunity to look at my past and see my future and connect the dots! 

Amanda Quinn

The course itself was fantastic

It was such a privilege to spend time on this course working on myself and my purpose. The course itself was fantastic and more importantly I learnt so much from Simone and the other wonderful and inspiring wahine doing the course - I will take the lessons and inspiration for many years to come.

Kim Beech

I could never have imagined how empowering an online course like this could be.

Being a mum to 3, I had completely lost 'myself' to the busyness of everyday life. Taking the time to examine my current life, explore my past experiences and brainstorm my dreams and goals for the future was truly a life-changing experience. I would highly recommend this course, and Simone, for anyone who's feeling a little bit lost and unsure about what their purpose is.

Emma MacLeod

Trust in Simone and this course, you won't regret it.

Doing the living with purpose course with Simone has, no exaggeration, changed my life. It has given me a new outlook on my future, enabled me to identify and overcome beliefs that were holding me back, and empowered me to make some big life decisions. If you are feeling stuck, uncertain, or unsure how to move forward with your life.

Rachael Cove


I promise that you CAN do this. But if you’re not 100% satisfied with the course, the templates, or the bonuses within 14 days, I will offer you a full refund, for any reason.

Take the full 14 days to explore the materials and experience the Living With Purpose program and then make a decision using the information you have, rather than the information you don’t.


Simone Denny

Simone Denny is a leading coach and practitioner who empowers individuals and groups to create and build emotional agility, mindset mastery, self-awareness and high-performance behaviours so they can step into their purpose and potential and create a life they love and feel is true to them.

​​Simone graduated from the University of Berkeley, California and Otago University with degrees in Psychology and in Business. She is a qualified Life Coach, IFS Practitioner (Internal Family Systems), Epigenetic Coach, Mind Detox Therapist, and Mindfulness facilitator. She is certified in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. NLP and Emotional Culture Facilitation.